"The Directors of Carteret Lodge, at a meeting held September 9, 1920, at the Lodge, reiterated through their Secretary, J.W. Goodson, the permission given to M.F. Williams to fence in and care for this grave of his great grandfather Robert Williams. Under the laws of North Carolina, the State protects a private burying ground, and the future owners of Carteret Lodge, should it change hands, cannot molest or interfere with this grave and fence.
"The old mill pond is still practically the same as it was in great grandfather’s time, as illustrated.
Table with Button Mold |
"Cut No. 36 shows a stand or table containing a pewter platter and two pewter plates, which legend states are relics of our ancestor in North Carolina, Robt. Williams, and now in possession of my first cousin Levina Gibbons, living near Barnesville, Belmont County, Ohio."