Notes of the Records of Carteret County, NC

Researched and Conveyed to Milton Williams by D.W. Morton

Property in Carteret County, N.C. purchased by Robert Williams:

·    Book G & H, page 172. Deed from John S. Sanders to Robert Williams for 100 acres of land in Carteret County, situated on the north side of Newport River. Consideration twenty pounds, proclamation money, date of deed June 20th 1765
·    Book G & H, page 173. Deed from John Sanders, Carteret County to Robert Williams for 100 acres on the east side of Black Creek, consideration twenty pounds, proclamation money, dated June 20th 1765.
·    Book G & H, page 187. Deed from Timothy & Benjamin Olney of Carteret County, for 25 acres on the south side of Taylor’s Creek and known by the name of the white house place. Consideration fifteen pounds, deed dated June 21st 1765.
·    Book G & H, page 188. Deed from Timothy & Benjamin Olney of Carteret County to Robert Williams of Carteret County for 50 acres of land, known by the name of Taylor’s old field. Consideration forty-five pounds, deed dated June 22nd 1765.
·    Book G & H, page 190. Deed from Mary Wharton of Carteret County to Robert Williams of the town of Beaufort, for 25 acres on Taylor’s Creek [White house land “where she now lives.”] Consideration 500 pounds, sterling money of Great Britain, deed dated June 22nd 1765.
·    Book G & H, page 321. Deed from John Pinder of Craven County to Robert Williams, merchant, of Carteret County, for two acres of land on Taylor’s Creek. Consideration two pounds. Deed dated July 22nd 1767.
·    Book H, page 408. Deed from Nathaniel Stowe and wife Elizabeth Stowe of Core Sound, N.C., to Robert Williams of the town of New Bern & the County of Craven, for 640 acres of land, lying on Newport Sound; Consideration 120 pounds, proclamation money. Deed dated 1770.
·    Book H & I, page 127. Deed from Thomas Chadwick, Sheriff of Carteret County, to Robert Williams, merchant of New Bern, Craven County, N.C., for one-third of the Grist & Saw Mill on Black Creek. The several tracts combined containing about 1200 acres. Consideration 371 pound. Deed dated September 13th, 1773.
·    Book H & I, page 137, Deed from William W. Yates of Carteret to Robert Williams of Carteret County, for a tract of land of the north side of Newport River, containing 15 acres. Consideration 40 pounds. Deed dated June 10th 1775.
·    Book H, page 280. Deed from John Easton of Carteret County to Robert Williams of Dinnant in the said county. For two acres on Black Creek including the Saw & Grist mills on Black Creek, also 640 acres adjoining said mills. Consideration four thousand pounds proclamation money. Deed dated September 4th 1779.
·    Book H, page 281. Deed from Patrick Conner of Carteret County, to Robert Williams of Carteret County, for 300 acres of land in Craven & Carteret Counties, between Harlow’s and Clubfoot’s Creek. Consideration 15 pounds. Deed dated September 24th 1774.
·    Book H, page 283. Deed from Robert Dade & Wife, Stafford County, Virginia to Robert Williams, a tract of land in Carteret County, number of acres not give. Consideration, sixty pounds. Deed dated September 28th, 1775.

(Transcriber’s note: More documentation to add…page 528)